Computer Science Department
School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University


Robust Exchange of Cartographics Models for Buildings and Roads:
The CMU MAPSLab Site Exchange Format
(API Version 5.0)

George Bulwinkle, Steven Douglas Cochran, J. Chris McGlone,
David McKeown, Jefferey Shufelt

November 1998

Available by request only at Digital Mapping Laboratory Publications Archive

Keywords: Building and road models, data exchange

This report defines the CMU MAPSLab Site Exchange Format. This exchange format serves as a system independent method for import and export of three dimensional object descriptions to and from non-CMU systems. The Site Exchange Format supports road models, surface models, constraint models, and several types of building models.

This report also describes an application programmers interface to support this exchange format. This API has been implemented to allow users access to all components of the site model interchange structures, or any subset, for integration into any user's particular internal representation for object models.

Paper reference on reprint request page:

73 pages

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